elect Jeff Bass
for Garland City Council District 1
Commitment - Compassion - Community

Jeff is honored to be endorsed by
Garland Police Association
Garland Firefighters Association

Jeff is also proudly endorsed by:
Former Garland Mayor Lori Dodson
Former Garland Mayor Jamie Ratliff
Former Garland District 1 Councilman David Gibbons
Former Garland District 1 Councilman Tim Campbell
MetroTex Association of REALTORS
Apartment Association of Greater Dallas
Why Am I Running?
I am running for City Council because I want Garland to be a place where people want to work, play, and live. As a Garland resident, Garland small business owner, and volunteer I have become involved in many leadership roles making a difference in countless lives. I look forward to bringing my passion for leadership to our City Council.
Garland is a great city with a lot to offer and I have witnessed this through my involvement with the chamber, city, school district, first responders, and volunteering. I want everyone to be as proud of Garland as I am. I want a Garland that has amenities to offer its citizens, and attracts people to visit Garland, and attracts people to move to Garland.
My platform is based around this premise. Keep Garland moving toward the future ($423 million bond progress), keep Garland safe (well-funded, well trained first responders), attract visitors and new residents (protect our northern gateway through prudent development of the 190 corridor).
Although I am running for District 1 Council seat, I am looking to the future for all of Garland. What happens in other Districts affects District 1 as well. Everything starts with Garland's success.
COMMITMENT- I am committed to responsible and responsive city government. I believe that vital to our quality of life is well trained and well funded first responders maintaining our safety and security. I am committed to seeing progress through completion of the 423 million dollar bond package that an overwhelming number of Garland citizens support. I am committed to preservation of the integrity of the 190 corridor through sustainable development.
COMPASSION- I care very deeply for our citizens. This is evident through my volunteer work. I regularly volunteer and/or donate to Good Sam, Hope's Door New Beginning Center, WatchDOGS, YMCA, IKandy Foundation, Toys For Tots. I am a past board member of Habitat For Humanity. I have fed the Garland Fire Department and Garland Police Department, I have fed families suffering from Covid job loss, I have fed 100's at GLOWS Garland Overnight Warming Station. My charitable efforts during Covid have been featured on ABC, CBS, and NBC news programs.
COMMUNITY- I am deeply involved in the Garland community. I sat on the board of the Garland Chamber of Commerce (2017-2020), I am a graduate of Leadership Garland (2015), since chairing multiple committees (2015-present), I am a current board member for Garland Citizens Fire Club (2018-present), I sat on the advisory board for GISD Global Business Initiative (2015-2016), I served on the board for Habitat for Humanity (2016-2017), and I am on the board for Garland Economic Development Steering Committee (2108-present)
Lori Dodson- Past Mayor City of Garland and my Campaign Treasurer, " I am proud to support Jeff!", "I am proud to be a friend. I have seen all the selfless help you have given. You will be a great District 1 Council member as you are a true servant!"
Jamie & Annette Ratliff-
We are pleased to give our endorsement to Jeff Bass for Garland City Council District 1. His commitment to Garland runs deep as evidenced by his community volunteerism. As a businessman Jeff sees first hand the need for leadership at the local level and will bring the pragmatic common sense of someone who manages good service and the bottom line in the real world. We need more civic-minded leaders like Jeff Bass. Please join us May 1st in voting for Jeff Bass, Garland City Council District 1.
Annette Ratliff (District Director for State Senator John, 1996-2014)
Jamie Ratliff (Garland Mayor, 1994-98)
David Gibbons- Past District 1 Councilman, Current Executive Director for Garland Housing Finance Corporation, "I am excited to announce my endorsement and support of Jeff Bass for the District 1 Representative to the Garland City Council. I have known Jeff for many years and he truly embodies the common-sense leadership needed for our District and our City."
Tim Campbell- Former District 1 Councilman, "Jeff Bass has been a long-time part of our neighborhood, and I have had the privilege of discussing with him his background, ideas and priorities for his run for Garland City Council, District 1. Jeff is well known to the Garland city staff and the current council members because his long history of philanthropy and leadership in many service organizations in and around Garland. He is very personable, approachable and in tune with the needs of Garland and ways to achieve them. As such, I hereby heartily endorse Jeff for Garland City Council, District 1."
Bob Duckworth- "The folks in District 1 will be getting the best when the elect you"
Stephen Stanley- Former Garland City Council Member, "Good luck my friend. I'm sure you'll make a great City Councilman!!"
Patrick Abell- "I wish Jeff Bass was in my district. He would have my vote in a heartbeat."
Merrill Balanciere- Retired Garland Firefighter, "I believe Jeff is already a great asset to the City of Garland. He stays involved in the community and I consider him to be a great friend."
Libby Odom- "You are one of the most approachable people I know. District 1 should be proud to have you."
Julian Olalde- "I’m not even a Garland Resident and I’m excited about this"
Dana Hinds- "Excellent!...& I hope you’re elected. You can bring a well rounded perspective to the council."
Joshua Garcia- "I always like your Leadership and always willing to step up and stand for people's need and that is why I admire what you do you always have a Good Character. "
Ashley Weaver- Manager, Millhouse Pizzeria & Stage, "I met Jeff Bass in the summer of 2020 (via the Garland Foodies FB page *shout out*). The restaurant I manage was on the verge of going under, due to COVID shut downs and a variety of “new-business” struggles that our 2-year-old establishment was enduring. For whatever reason, at my lowest of lows, it was put it on Jeff’s heart to reach out and ask if I needed any mentoring assistance to help us get through the depths of our shut-down phase. Ever since that day, Jeff Bass has become a solid pillar that we’ve been able to lean on through many days we never thought we’d see the end of. He’s been far more than a business advisor - he’s been a true friend. More so than that, he’s a true supporter of local small businesses and is dedicated to seeing their success. Jeff Bass is the type of guy who will text you to check on YOUR restaurant (when he already owns and operates his own) - and then will come meet you for lunch and listen to your woes because you told him you were having a bad day. Keep in mind, only a year ago, we were complete strangers. That’s just the way that Jeff Bass treats the people in his community. That’s the kind of person I want representing the community I live in - someone who shines before they have a “reason” to. Jeff Bass is now running to represent the Garland, Texas community by sitting on the Garland City Counsel as Counselman for District 1. Personally, I happen to live in District 1. I don’t know if you would call this an “endorsement” or not, but it’s definitely my announcement to all of you that I WILL BE VOTING for #JeffBassD1. If you live in District 1, I would strongly recommend that you visit his page (below) and start making plans to vote! #Vote4JeffBass"